The current political regime in the light of the social doctrine of the Church
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How to Cite

Ángulo, A. (1983). The current political regime in the light of the social doctrine of the Church. REVISTA CONTROVERSIA, (112), 1-19. Retrieved from


The author confronts the regime with the Social Doctrine of the Church in order to study a way of governing that claims to follow the Christian Social Teaching. It is then an examination of the “internal consistency” between the achievements and the chosen model. A radical model, possibly less known than evoked, that speaks of how the peasants “become aware of their misery” (Rerum Novarum), of the “scandal of the hurtful disparities, not only in the enjoyment of goods, but even more in the exercise of power” (Gaudium et Spes), of “the oppressive structures that come from the abuse of having or the abuse of power, from the exploitation of workers or the injustice of transactions” (Populorum Progressio).

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