The preparation of this dossier for issue 223 of the journal brought together various controversies and particularities as a result of the confluence of rich interdisciplinary debates. The very name of the journal invited us to consider a horizon of epistemically interwoven research. Terms that allowed us to reflect on the current tensions between hegemonic projects and community projects that, in order to construct their own notions of the future, indistinctly involve and affect bodies, economies, geographies, and politics. In this sense, following the title of the call: "Territorial Disputes: Bodies, Dispossessions and Ways of Agencing the Future", we have managed to include different views of these disputes. We show processes of plunder and dispossession of common goods and rights in Colombia and the rest of Latin America; but at the same time, those actions of resistance and cultural defense that emerge as a counterweight to the increasingly sophisticated and generally violent practices produced in the name of development policies driven by neoliberal globalization.

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