Restructuring palm oil value chain governance in Colombia through long-term labour control
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Anti-union violence
global value chains
agrifood systems
labor control regimes
oil palm

How to Cite

Serrano Zapata, A. (2024). Restructuring palm oil value chain governance in Colombia through long-term labour control. REVISTA CONTROVERSIA, (222), 49-92.


This article traces how anti-union violence in Colombia’s Magdalena Medio region in the 1980s and 1990s continues to influence the current structure of palm oil production in the region. It examines how this violence altered labor relations and transformed the palm oil value chain over the long run. The combined effects of multiple labor control strategies have weakened the power of workers and their ability to influence decisions about how palm oil production operates. In this case, the labor coercion practices of the 1980s and 1990s diminished the associational power of workers and, in the long run, facilitated labor flexibilization in the industry. As a result, it limited the structural power of unions until today. This analysis builds a dialogue between literatures on global value chains and critical agrarian studies to identify how anti-union violence has facilitated labor flexibilization in the palm industry and thus has shaped agrifood systems.
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