Questions from Periphery to the Center. Thougths about the Categories of Care, Surveys and the Lives of Women in Tumaco, Nariño
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measurement of care
gender issues
ethnography and rurality

How to Cite

Balanta Cobo, S., Penagos Montoya, J., Buchely Ibarra, L., & Escobar Vaquiro, N. (2022). Questions from Periphery to the Center. Thougths about the Categories of Care, Surveys and the Lives of Women in Tumaco, Nariño. REVISTA CONTROVERSIA, (219), 175-208.


The absence of surveys that extensively address women's issues and interests, particularly among impoverished and racialized populations in vulnerable contexts, is a manifest difficulty of traditional measurement exercises. Although in Colombia the application of National Time Use Surveys (Enut) has been an important exercise to make visible the inequalities in the time dedicated by men and women to unpaid care activities, they are not representative for large regions of Colombia that have social and cultural particularities. The objective of this article is to reflect, based on an ethnographic record, on the exercise of applying surveys with a gender perspective and the ways of measuring the categories of sustainability of life and care from our experience with the LIFE/GENDER/WORK project in Tumaco, Nariño.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


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