Revolution 4.0? Stones and algorithms in the protests in Colombia (emerging notes for an analysis on technology, politics and violence)
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social movements
digital societies
artifact in protests
history of technologies

How to Cite

Valentines-Álvarez, J., & Rincón, A. F. (2022). Revolution 4.0? Stones and algorithms in the protests in Colombia (emerging notes for an analysis on technology, politics and violence). REVISTA CONTROVERSIA, (218), 177-216.


This article argues that the latest social movements cannot be exclusively understood as “next generation” movements with their multifaceted digital forms. Without denying the social, emotional and political impact of the new information and communication technologies, it is necessary to understand to what extent these movements are rooted in —and are faced by— materialities, artifacts and networks with a long historical trajectory. Through four sections, in the manner of “displacements”, the article delves into the permeability between the digital and the material world, on the one hand, and between the civil and the military sphere, on the other. Drawing on fresh approaches from the history and sociology of technology, the authors aim to contribute with some “emergency thoughts” to think about the entanglement between technology, politics and violence in the latest protests in the streets of Colombia.
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